11 Feb 2014

Creating Resources in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM)

Resources are the assets you use to produce batches, including production equipment and employee labor. For each resource, you must assign a component classification code for costing purposes. You can optionally group resources into resource classifications. For example, Ovens and Stoves may be grouped into Cooking Units.
Cost component class. Click the following link to know how to define cost component class
Ensure that the unit of measure of time is established on the Unit of Measure window in the Oracle Inventory application.
Navigation: Process Engineer > Setup > Generic Resources

Enter a Resource code to identify the resource & Description detailing the same.
Enter Usage UOM by which you measure the amount of time used for processing this resource.
Enter the optional Resource class to which this resource belongs.
Enter Cost component class which links this individual resource to a unit of measure and allows you to establish costing parameters for the resource in the Cost Management application.

Enter the Minimum and Maximum per vessel capacity for this resource.
Enter the Capacity UOM for this resource.
Enable the Calculate Charges box if the capacity of an operation is constrained by the resource for the purpose of calculating charges.
If another capacity-constrained resource in the same operation has a smaller capacity, then the system uses the smallest capacity-constrained resource to calculate how many times an operation is repeated for the purposes of calculating charges.
Enter Capacity Tolerance; if the capacity falls within the specified percentage, then the resource is processed without calculating charges. If the material is over the capacity, then it is planned and scheduled incorporating calculated charges.
Enter the Utilization & Efficiency percentages; these are used by Planning and scheduling only.



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