28 May 2014

Setups to be checked when Excise Invoice number is not getting generated

If Excise invoice number is not getting generated in your instance, check the following setups and transactions data
Setups to be checked:
  1. The Item shipped has Item class setup at Organizations items level. The Item class should exist and should not be ‘OTIN’ or ‘OTEX’
  2. The Item should be Excisable at Organization Items level.
Navigation: India local Inventory > India Localization > Setup > Item setup > VAT/EXCISE Item classification

  1. The order type used should be attached to Bond register.
Navigation: India Local Receivables > India Localization > Registers > Define Bond Register

  1. The financial year is setup in Oracle financials for India for the Organization.
  2. The Organization is either a Master Org or has been attached to a Master Org. (The Master Org flag is supposed to be checked at the Organization + Location combination and not at Null Location)

  1. The EC Code for the organization is not null & a distinct code is entered.

  1. The shipment has been made from a bonded sub inventory.
To know whether the sub inventory is bonded, Navigate to India Localization Inventory > Setup > Sub inventory locations - Query the organization and find whether the sub inventory is listed.

Check the following transactions data:
  1. The order shipped has Excise type of tax attached to it.
  2. Inventory interface has completed normally.
  3. The payment registers have sufficient balance to clear the transaction.
  4. India – Excise invoice generation program has been run for the transaction & completed without error.


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