19 May 2014

Updating the PAN No. of existing Customer and Supplier

Once PAN No. is entered and saved, we cannot update the same through forms. Oracle has provided concurrents to update the PAN No. of both Customer and Supplier.
Run both the concurrents from Asia / Pacific localization responsibility

India – Customer Pan Number Update:
As the name suggests the concurrent is used to update the Pan number of a customer.
Customer Name – Enter the customer name for which the PAN No. needs to be updated
Old PAN Number – PAN number which needs to be changed
New PAN Number – PAN number which will replace the old value

India – Pan number Update:
This concurrent is used to update the PAN number of exising Supplier /Vendor.
Vendor Name – Vendor name for which the PAN No. needs to be updated
New PAN Number – PAN number which will replace the old value
Debug – When this value is ‘Yes’ will write the debug messages in the log file


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