7 Feb 2014

Creating Formula in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM)

 Formulas in OPM are the same as bills of material (BOM) in discrete manufacturing. In this post we will see how to create a formula.

Navigation: Formulator > Formulas


Enter a formula name
Status – Whatever the default formula status provided for the organization in ‘Product development parameters’ appears here.
Navigation: Product Development Security Manager > Organization Parameters


Class - Enter a class for formula to identify how it is categorized. Classes are created in ‘Formula Class’ window,
Navigation: Formulator > Setup > Formula Class


Enter the Organization in which this formula should be used.
Enable ‘Scaling Allowed’ checkbox to indicate the formula allows scaling.
Enable ‘Packaging’ checkbox when the formula is a packaging formula.
Enable ‘Calculate Product Quantity’ to indicate the formula automatically calculates the quantity for products with the Proportional scale type.


Enter the Item code of the product which is produced in this formula & quantity of the product that this formula yields.
The product quantity defaults if ‘Calculate Product Quantity’ checkbox is selected.


Select the ‘Scale Type’ as,
Fixed - if the product is not scalable.
Proportional - if the product is scalable.

Select the ‘Yield Type’ to indicate the type of product yield as,
Automatic - when products are yielded automatically when the batch is completed.
Manual - when products are yielded manually.
Incremental - when product is yielded by incremental backflushing.
Automatic by Step - when products are yielded automatically as the step is completed.

‘Cost Allocation’ indicates how the cost of this item is allocated for financial roll-up purposes. 

Enter the Ingredient & qty required to manufacture the Product


Select the ‘Scale Type’ as,
Fixed - if the ingredient is not scalable.
Proportional - if the ingredient is scalable.
Integer - if the ingredient is scalable by multiples.
‘Scale multiple’, ‘Scale rounding variance’ & ‘Rounding Direction’ fields will be enabled only when the Scale type is ‘Integer’
Enter the ‘Scale Multiple’ as the scaling increment for the ingredient.
Enter the optional ‘Scale Rounding Variance’
Enter the ‘Rounding Direction’ as,
Down - if the acceptable rounding direction is down to the nearest multiple.
Either - if the acceptable rounding direction is up or down to the nearest multiple.
Up - if the acceptable rounding direction is up to the nearest multiple.

Select the ‘Consumption type’ as the same way explained in ‘Yield type’ in ‘Products’ section.
Select ‘Contribute to Yield’ as Yes or No to indicate whether the material contributes to the yield
Select ‘Contribute to Step Qty’ as Yes or No to indicate whether the material contributes to the to the step quantity.
Select the ‘Phantom Type’ as,
Not a Phantom – if the ingredient is not a phantom item.
Automatic Generation - if the ingredient is a phantom item that is exploded automatically.
Manual Generation – if the ingredient is a phantom item that requires manual explosion.


‘Buffer’ specifies those ingredients that are used to maintain the target quantity while working with a formula or batch on the Simulator. The Calculate indicator on the Optimizer window is the default for all the ingredients selected as buffer in the formula.
Enter ‘Scrap Factor’ as the anticipated amount of ingredient lost in the manufacturing process as a percentage. For example, if the scrap factor is 7 percent, then an additional 7 percent of material is added to accommodate for this loss.
‘Required Qty’ displays the result of multiplying the formula quantity by the quantity one plus the scrap factor expressed as a percent.


By-Products are not mandatory to create a formula, Enter By-products only when the process produces a byproduct.
Enter the By-product code & qty that this formula yields.


Select ‘Scale Type’ & ‘Yield Type’ as explained above in Products section.
Enter the ‘By-product Type’ as,
Rework - if the material generated requires rework.
Sample - if the material generated is used as a sample for quality inspection.
Waste - if the material is a waste product.
Yield - if the byproduct is material that is yielded for use in another process.


The created formula will be used in recipe.


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