11 Jun 2014

Defining Resource Cost in Oracle Process Manufacturing (OPM)

To reflect the cost of the resource incurred during production in the product cost, set up routings and define the amount or number of resources used.
Outside production, set up overheads to reflect the amount of resources other than the production or ingredients used in the product; you can then include overhead costs in the cost of producing the product. In either case, first we must define nominal usage cost associated with the resource.
To know about defining Overheads, click the following link
To know about how to define a resource, click the following link
Navigation: OPM Financials > Resource costs
Enter the code of the Organization for which this resource cost is effective.
Note: If Organization is not entered then the resource cost will be considered for all the organizations that fall under the displayed Legal entity.
Enter the Resource for which we are defining the cost.
Enter the Cost Calendar & Period for which this resource cost will be applicable.
Component class displays the component class associated with the resource & Base Currency displays the legal entity’s base currency.
Cost Details
Enter for which Cost Type this resource cost is defined.
Enter a Nominal Cost for the resource for using it for one unit of measure. For example, if you are defining the resource cost for a mixing machine, and its usage is measured in hours, then enter the cost of using the mixing machine for one hour.
Enter the unit of measure in which usage of this resource is measured in UOM. By default the system will display the unit of measure initially defined for this resource. We can edit the value within the same unit of measure class.
Note: Status field is not applicable


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